Senin, 11 April 2011

School Observation Repor

School Profile:

Name of school: Elementary N xxxxxxxxxx
Address: Jln Jogja km xxxxxxxxx

On Saturday March 14 2020 I made some observations on SD N xxxxxxxxxxx on subjects, especially social studies grade 5. Teachers who teach social studies lesson of his own called Mother Sulistyowati, he was the guardian 5th grade teacher at the same time served as vice principal. Many of the criteria that I value, both in terms of learning tools, the learning process, student behavior and everything about SD N xxxxxxxxxxx.
I. The aspect that I observed as follows:
a. Learning Tools
1. Syllabus
2. Learning Unit
3. Lesson plans
b. Learning Process
1. Opening lesson
2. Presentation Materials
3. Use of language
4. Use of time
5. Variation of motion
6. How to motivate students
7. Technique asked
8. Mastery Classes
9. Usage method
10. Use of media
11. Evaluating
12. Closing lesson
c. Student behavior
1. Student behavior in the classroom
2. Perilauku students outside the classroom

II. Aspects of observation to the school:
a. The physical condition of schools
b. Potential students
c. Potential teachers
d. Potential employees
e. Facilities Round Table Conference, Media
f. Library
g. Laboratories
h. Guidance counseling
i. Tutoring
j. Kagiatan ekstraulikuler
k. Organization OSIS
l. UKS Facilities
m. Administration
o. Cooperative students
p. Places of worship
q. environmental health

I. Aspects in the course of teaching
A. Learning Tool
1. Syllabus
Syllabus of the device as a guide for teaching and learning so that learning objectives can be achieved. In the process of learning, the syllabus is needed for the relevance of teaching. In SD N xxxxxxxxxxx I observed, the teaching (syllabus) this is a guide that is needed by all educators, so that all staff in primary schools shall have and use such teaching tools.

2. Learning Unit
Unit of Learning is a fundamental component in every school, especially elementary school as a unifier of the learning process and learning tools available. In SD N xxxxxxxxxxx this is all included in the education system has a relationship with one another so that in getting an education system that is ideal.

3. Lesson Plan
Lesson plan is a special teaching guide prepared under the existing syllabus and materials so that the learning process can be run as the existing scenario and obtain the optimal learning goals. All educators in elementary N xxxxxxxxxxx shall make every lesson plan will deliver the material (learning process) so that the material that will be delivered to achieve the intended purpose.

B. Learning Process
1. Opening Lessons
Based on the observations in N xxxxxxxxxxx 5 th grade social studies in the learning process with the subject of Heroes. The way the teacher opened the lesson is very interesting. Appersepsi that teachers do very motivating students to learn more diligent and serious. Appersepsi made using the song August 17, 1945 to increase the motivation of all students in the course undertaken. Teachers are very creative at all in bringing the material. Starting from the opening greeting, prayer, presence and appersepsi and repetition of previous material is a very interesting alignment. All aspects are so closely related to the learning process can be started with full enthusiasm.
Example Appersepsi:
The kids of course, we already know the independence hero who has fought win independence from the hands of the invaders. Now let us sing Indonesia Raya "as a form of our love towards the nation of Indonesia as the heroes of independence have been fighting for our beloved nation.
2. Presentation Materials
It takes the right method in the learning process, especially social studies social studies lesson does not seem so rote. Based on the observations that I did in 5 th grade N xxxxxxxxxxx, the material is presented with the method of demonstration, lecture and question and answer. All students are very enthusiastic in the learning process. Presentation of the material here is very interesting. All closed and teacher handbooks issued kemerdekaaan hero pictures and told students to come forward one by one to tell you about the chosen hero image of teachers to tell students. Students who struggle in one story will help another friend.
3.Penggunaan Language
Use language that is very appropriate because it is adjusted to the age and comprehension student said. The language used is Indonesian language properly.
4. The use of time
Time spent in the learning process is within the limits of the allotted time because of the linkages between the delivery of material, evaluation, and assessment so that all integrated in a relatively precise time. In the process of learning time needed for every aspect already in conformity with their needs so that no time stretching for material that has not been delivered.

5. Motion Variation
Variation of motion that teachers do in the learning process very interesting. Teachers can draw the attention of all students, especially in apersepsi and delivery of material with some body movement which is very attractive students.

6. How memotovasi Students
The role of teachers in motivating students is very large. Here the teacher emphasizes especially for students who can talk properly. For students who respond poorly even teachers continue to give praise for having dared to come forward.
7. Questioning Techniques
Techniques to ask that teachers do very interesting. The question posed is not a question that only have one answer but a question the answer varies in which to make the students can find themselves. Teachers do not tell students to continually ask themselves but their students and respond enthusiastically to ask any questions.
8. Mastery Classes
Classes are very conducive. None of the students who do not pay attention.
All students are also enthusiastic about the material provided.
9. Usage method
The teacher uses demonstration, lecture, and question and answer.
10. Use of media
Media that teachers use are the images of heroes of independence.
11. evaluation
In evaluating the student teacher asks the students to cover all books, then students are asked to issue a task book to do the problems of evaluation. Evaluation of 5 questions, each question was scored 20. Problem given target one by one by the teacher and students were told to direct work. The teacher asks the students to name the hero mentioned through the images at once ordered to develop an answer Siwa
Note: given a score of 20 when students are able to develop the answer.
Given a score of 10 when students hanyamenjawab names of these heroes.
12. Closing lesson
Before closing the lesson the teacher asks about things back to students who do not understand why the students. Then the teacher concluded the material together student. And close the lesson by greeting and prayer.

C. Student Behavior
1. Student behavior in the classroom
In class the students are very obedient to the teacher. Students talk with the teacher too politely. In the course of teaching students were very enthusiastic and active. At that time all students were given questions to answer fight each other. As one of the students demonstrating in front of other students considering the class with enthusiasm and not awkward to help if berdemontrasi students who have difficulty in explaining the material.
2. Behavior of students outside the classroom
Outside the classroom students are very obedient and respectful to his teacher. Each student met with the teacher always said hello and menyium hands of his teacher. In speaking with the teacher any student to use a polite language.

II. Aspects of observation to the school
A. The physical condition of schools
The physical condition of schools is very well maintained and consist of
1. Building 1 consists of:
a. 6 classrooms
b. 1 room teacher
c. A computer room
2. Building 2 consists of:
a. 1 room UKS
b. library
c. Christian religious space
3. school canteen
4. teacher and student parking
5. parade ground
6. school gardens
7. field long jump

B. Potential students
There are so many accomplishments achieved by the students who attend school in SD N xxxxxxxxxxx. At the district level SD N xxxxxxxxxxx name familiar name in the eyes of the community because so often get a championship at the district and even provincial. Cups were placed in the cupboard until almost fills the contents of the closet. Lots of parents who want to send their children in elementary school, up to now in elementary school admissions selection is done.

C. Potential teachers
All the accomplishments achieved by the other students are not due because of the role of teachers in elementary schools. Although the two teachers who are new S1, However their role in the development of elementary school xxxxxxxxxxx N was warranted in acungi thumb.

D. Potential employees
Employees at the new elementary school there is one, plus three teachers Wiyata Bakti more often take care of the field of school administration. Their role is also very large for the development of this school.

E. Facilities Round Table Conference, Media
The facilities available are more than enough, such as Laptop and LCD. Students can also learn the computer because it has provided 7 units of computers in the computer room. In addition there are also other media such as the globe, the forms of the planets and their orbits, the human skeleton and much more.

F. Library
The books are available at the library is fairly complete, because the school provides not only textbooks but also provides science books, books of folklore, livestock and agricultural books and much more. In the library also provides a new newspaper.

G. Laboratories
In this school there are no laboratory space. Teachers often use the surrounding environment or the classroom as a place to study for students.

H. Guidance counseling
All primary schools especially in Purworejo district average, there are no elementary school teacher in his kushus BK. Teachers kelaslah guardian who can handle their own problems that exist in student's own self, as well as in elementary school.

I. Tutoring
Each class in this school, especially the upper class is often given extra lessons that carried over KBM progress.

J. Kagiatan ekstraulikuler
Extracurricular activities at school quite a lot, namely football, volleyball, scouts, dance children children faithful believers, PMR, Little Doctor and much more.

K. Organization OSIS
OSIS organization in elementary school there has been no, and instead gurulah a full charge in any school activities to be implemented. Here the teacher becomes at once the committee responsible for the implementation of any school activity.

L. UKS Facilities
UKS in Sd is quite good. The facility is fairly complete starting from the bedroom and P3K

M. Administration
School administration taken care of by each teacher and Principal. For typing, using a computer that is available. Pengetikannya itself assisted by several teachers Wiyata devotion in this school.

N. Cooperative students
Here there is no cooperative for students. However, there are school canteen offering a variety of food and mnuman for students and teachers.

O. Places of worship
Places of Worship particularly Mosque or the Mosque in SD is not yet available.

P. environmental health
Environmental health is maintained clean.
Every class there are trash. Every day the school yard is also in a broom by the custodian. And every Saturday all the students held a community service clean up the classroom, especially in large classes.

A. Introduction

1. SDN 117 Palembang Profile

SDN 117 lies on Jl. Musi Raya Perumnas Sako Kanten Palembang, led by Mr. Lubis as the principal. it has two stair building. Its location is very strategic and circumstance is quitely crowded since it is passed by public transportation and near with downtown. Most of people living around it prioritize the school to put their children there to study. There are some activities also done by the students such as doing sport, discussion, etc.

1. SDN 117 Palembang Profil

SDN 117 terletak di Jl. Musi Raya Perumnas Sako Kanten Palembang, dipimpin oleh Mr Lubis sebagai kepala sekolah. memiliki dua bangunan tangga. Lokasinya sangat strategis dan keadaan adalah quitely ramai karena dilalui angkutan umum dan dekat dengan pusat kota. Sebagian besar orang yang tinggal di sekitarnya memprioritaskan sekolah untuk menempatkan anak-anak mereka di sana untuk belajar. Ada beberapa kegiatan yang juga dilakukan oleh siswa seperti melakukan olahraga, diskusi, dll

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